Worship is at 9:30am Sundays. We follow worship with fellowship time and all are welcome to stay and connect! |
What We BelieveWe live by the tagline: "Open hearts, open minds, open doors. All are welcome to join this friendly community. Come, and let your hearts be open to the love of God and the love of community.
The United MEthodist ChurchAs members of the United Methodist Church, we join others throughout the world in bringing the Love of God to communities and individual. We are working to transform the world through acts of service, worship and justice, while sharing the Good News of the Gospels in ways that are relevant and meaningful to people today. We join the Minnesota Conference of the UMC in its' vision: https://www.minnesotaumc.org/journeytowardvitality
Our Wesleyan HeritageDo all the good you can,
in all the ways you can, to all the souls you can, in every place you can, at all the times you can, with all the zeal you can, as long as ever you can. |